
1、If you do not win the football lottery, you must be online at the exact time tickets get released for the unclaimed sale.

2、The Student Nighttime Auxiliary Patrol (SNAP) vans take forever to pick you up to go to your desired location.

3、Do not park your car on the white lines in the parking space; you will get fined. Also, good luck finding a parking space in your designated decal area.

4、Even though there is not a speedometer on your bike, you must obey the speed limit or you will be fined.

5、Textbooks in the University bookstore are overpriced.

6、The dining hall food is not really that delicious.

7、Good luck getting into fraternity parties in the fall, guys. If you are not in the fraternity, you will not get in.

8、Restaurants on campus are generally closed on weekends.

9、The grading scale uses minuses, therefore, affecting your GPA.

10、No library is open 24 hours.